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Auktion 135
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135-1824 Dodd,E.L.
Schätzpreis: 90,00 € | Rückpreis: 60,00 €
4 Offprints, alle mit Verf.-Widm. 8°-Kl.4°. OU.
Edward L. Dodd war "Instructor in Pure Mathematics, The University of Texas". - Enthält: On Ordinary Plane and Skew Curves, 1912. - The Probability of the Arithmetic Mean compared with that of certain other Functions of the Measurements, 1913. - The Arithmetic Mean as Approximately the most Probable Value a Posteriori under the Gaussian Probability Law, 1915. - The Frequency Law of a Function of one Variable, 1925. - Tls. etw. Gebrauchsspuren.
Schätzpreis: 90,00 € Rückpreis: 60,00 € Jetzt kaufen:
KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0
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