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Auction 135:


  Auction 651
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Scheubel, Joh.

(651) Compendium arithmeticae artis. Basel, J. Parcus für J. Oporin 1560. Mit einig. Holzschnittdiagrammen. 193 S., 6 Bl. Ldr. um 1900.  
Smith, Rara Arithmetica, p. 246. Johann Scheubel (1494-1570) war ein Tübinger Mathematiker. Scheubel gilt als Wegbereiter der Algebra in Europa. Zudem entwarf er 1559 die älteste Landkarte des Herzogtums Württemberg. - Rare edition of this very interesting work of Johann Scheubel, Prof. of Mathematics at the University of Tübingen. He lived from 1494 to 1570. This book is more practical than his 'Deutsche Arithmetica' and was enough in demand to warrant two editions. The book cont. a. o. the following important chapters: Monetarum, ponderum, meneurarum et temperts explicatio. - With some arithmetical woodcut diagrams.
Scheubel, Joh. | Bild Nr.1

Scheubel, Joh. | Bild Nr.1

Next auction 135

takes place in September 25.-27.  2024



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0
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