Auktionshaus Kiefer
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75172 Pforzheim
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Auktion 134:


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The Ceremony of the Marriage of Princess Royal with the Prince of Orange. Ldn., Bispham Dickinson 1734. Ca. 56 x 46 cm. Kupferstich 30,3 x 46,4 cm.  
A broadside on the marriage of Anne, Princess Royal and William IV, Prince of Orange in March 1734 at the Royal Chapel of St James; with an etching showing the wedding procession in five rows, with William IV in the top row, Princess Anne in the second, Robert Walpole in the third, King Georg II in the fourth, and Queen Caroline in the fifth row, with engraved inscriptions, and with letterpress text on the order of the participants of the procession in four columns, and with one vertical segment of type ornaments. - Angestaubt, Ränder u. Ecken mit kl. Läs., links im Kupferstich Einriss (ca. 4 cm.). - Selten.
Einblattdruck. | Bild Nr.1

Einblattdruck. | Bild Nr.1

Nächste Auktion 134

findet von 3. - 5. Juli 2024 statt



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0
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