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Auction 135:


  Auction 87
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deutsch englisch
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Author: Mancinelli,A.

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87-557 Mancinelli,A.

Mancinelli,A.Regulae constructionis longe caeteris clariores. Summa declinationis. Summae lexicon. Habes lector peritissime Mancinelli regulas longe caeteris elegantiores...(Venedig, Tacuinus de Tridino 28. Mai 1508). 4°. 50 röm. num., 2 nn. Bl. - ╔Angebunden: Ders.╗ Latini sermonis Emporium. Dat. 1499. Fragment. 24 nn. Bl. (Sign. d-f8). Umschl. d. 19. Jhdts. [...]

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Next auction 135

takes place in September 25.-27.  2024



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0