Auktionshaus Kiefer Steubenstraße 36 75172 Pforzheim Telefon 07231 / 92 32 0
Auction 135:
Auction 114
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Catalog chapters auction no. 114
1 Old and rare books, manuscripts (216) 2 Genealogy, heraldry, politics, economics (32) 3 Varia (movie-theatre-dance, freemasonry, judaica, occultism, military, (197) 4 Hunting (fishing, kynology), horses, kitchen (household, garden),agriculture and forestry (garden) (33) 5 Art History (62) 6 Bibliography (62) 7 Cultural History (60) 8 Children´s books (75) 9 Literature and illustrated books 19th century (145) 10 Modern literature and illustrated books 20th century (288) 11 Natural sciences and technics (370) 12 Geography - travel - history (448) 13 Autographs (70) 14 Antik (163) 15 Photografs (62) 16 Old and modern art, prints, views, maps (1307)
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Next auction 135 takes place in September 25.-27. 2024
KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0