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Auction 135:


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Author: (Pithou,P.)

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108-376 (Pithou,P.)

(Pithou,P.)Annalivm et historiae Francorvm Ab anno Christl DCCVIII. ad ann. DCCCCXC. scriptores coaetanei XII. Primvm In lucem editi ex Bibliotheca P. Pithoei. Nunc autem in Germania denuo impressi. Ffm., Wechel Erben (Cl. de Marne u. J. Aubry) 1594. Mit Holzschn.-Druckerm. 8 Bl. (d.le.w.), 572 S., 26 Bl. Mod. Hldr. [...]

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Next auction 135

takes place in September 25.-27.  2024



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0